This page describes the types of errors returned by the API, along with troubleshooting suggestions.

HTTP StatusCodeExplanation

(In some cases, there might be a HTTP status with no code.)
Authorization token may be invalid or expired. To troubleshoot, request a new token through the Authentication endpoint.
401invalid_clientClient authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.

To troubleshoot, check that client ID and secret are correct.
401invalid_requestThe request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.

To troubleshoot, check that all required parameters are included in the request.
401region_not_foundOne of the lat/lng coordinates is incorrect. To troubleshoot, check that all lat/lng coordinates are located in your region.
400invalid_payment_methodThe request contains a payment method that is not valid.
400invalid_vehicle_typeThe vehicle type in the request is not valid, or not available in your country.
400not_enough_locations_to_get_a_quoteThe params for the request need to include pickup (object) and destinations (array).
400order_pickup_time_must_be_in_the_futureThe scheduled_at time is not valid, because it is not in the future.
400pickup_and_dropoff_cannot_be_the_sameThe lat/lng of the pickup and dropoff location are the same. Input a different value for one of the locations.
400prepaid_wallet_insufficient_balanceThe order price is greater than the amount in your account's prepaid_wallet. To troubleshoot, add more funds to your prepaid_wallet.
400invalid_order_parametersThe contact phone extension needs to include digits only.

There may be other invalid parameters that caused this error, please contact us.
403ForbiddenOne of the contact phone numbers is suspended.